Our Mission
The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veteran’s service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans.
Hundreds of local American Legion programs and activities strengthen the nation one community at a time. American Legion Baseball is one of the nation’s most successful amateur athletic programs, educating young people about the importance of sportsmanship, citizenship and fitness. The Heroes to Hometowns program connects local Legionnaires with recovering wounded warriors and their families, providing a variety of support activities. The Legion raises millions of dollars in donations at the local, state and national levels to help veterans and their families and to provide college scholarship opportunities.
What We Do

We believe that no one should ever be without a safe place to call home, and the Veterans Center of Hoboken is that home for those we serve. We currently have six housing units that provide homeless veterans with a home of their own. Our goal is to provide an additional 18 units.

Serving those who served is at the heart of our mission. We provide vital services for our members including:
- physical and mental health care
- employment opportunities
- regular check-ins by phone
- nourishing meals through partnerships with local food pantries and restaurants

Our members engage in the hundreds of local American Legion programs and activities taking place across the nation including:
- American Legion Baseball
- Heroes to Hometowns
- College scholarship opportunities
- New Jersey Boys State Program

We are committed to sponsoring wholesome programs in our communities that advocate patriotism and honor, promote strong national security and are devoted to our fellow service members and veterans.
John P. Carey, Commander
Nicholas Detrizio, Adjutant
Mark Luis Villamar, Finance Officer
James Perry, Vice Commander