2024 Ruck the River

2024 Ruck the River
by JC Whipple

Ruck the River was created to support Badger Six. Hoboken Legion Post 107 and its Legionnaires are passionate about Badger Six as it provide humanitarian assistance to the families of the Afghan Cavalry who fought alongside CIA’s Team Alpha and the U.S. Army’s Green Berets of ODA 595.

The 2024 Ruck is our second annual event. This is a great opportunity to support those unknown heroes of the Afghan conflict.

Join us in unity as we pay tribute and assist those who stood by our warriors in Afghanistan.

Event Information

Date: September 28, 2024

Time: 10:00am

Meet at: Pier A Park, 9/11 Memorial, Hoboken NJ

Distance: Approx. 2.0 Miles

Registration: $30 per person. Register Here

Contact rucktheriverhbk@gmail.com with any questions


About Badger Six

Badger Six was created in 2022 as a non-profit charity dedicated to assisting approximately 30 families of the men who fought alongside CIA Team Alpha and the U.S. Army Green Berets of ODA 595.

Badger Six provides assistance to 30 Afghan families, making our mission limited and finite. We personally know each Afghan partner (or surviving head of family) who receives assistance.

Our support includes food, medicine and financial aid in Afghanistan, help evacuating to a third-country and resettlement assistance. Our #1 priority is to eventually resettle the families in the United States. But until then, we are supporting them in Afghanistan and adjacent countries.

We are determined to help the remaining 30 families survive, rebuild and thrive. They never gave up, and neither will we.

Our path forward is clear — stand with those who stood with us.

What is a Ruck?

A ruck, hump, or forced march is a military term given to an individual group movement where gear is loaded into a backpack or “ruck” and is carried over long distances. This organized movement is often used in training to build physical and mental strength.

Suggested Gear

Uniform: T-shirt, trousers, comfortable hiking boots or sneakers, head lamp, glow sticks

Recommended gear: Warming layer(s), water, snacks, rain coat, and spare clothing (depending on weather)

Weight of rucksack: Participant’s preference. Please do not choose a weight you may not be able to handle. The intent is to make sure all participants are able to complete the full march.

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